Join our free Radio Documentary Workshop 23rd and 30th of June 2015

Dundalk FM would like invite you to a free Radio Documentary workshop on Wednesday June 23rd and June 30th at 7.00 pm. Open to everyone that has an idea for a radio documentary. We will demonstrate how to record and edit audio. For further info email All welcome.

Dundalk FM Radio Documentary Workshop Meeting
Dundalk FM Radio Documentary Workshop Meeting June 23rd and 30th at 7.00 pm
Radio Documentary Workshop 27 May 2015 - Download This Episode

Dundalk FM is looking for volunteers.

Dundalk FM is a community owned and run radio station and we need volunteers for a range of broadcasting duties – recording, editing, presenting, outside broadcasting…call in for a chat or sign up as a member. Member Application Form 2015

Dundalk FM is looking for volunteers. - Download This Episode

Volunteer Opportunities

Details of what you will have to do Hours per week Time/Day Contact person


if interested

Social Media Developer

  • 3 facebook posts per month
  • 1 website story per month
  • expand the number of facebook and twitter followers
2 hours Alan
Researcher for the ‘What’s On’ Guide 3 hours Wednesday Cynthia or Maria
Front Office

  • answer calls
  • greet guests
  • check emails
  • fill in competition sheets
2 hours Mon – Sunesp Friday 8.15am – 10.00am Cynthia or Maria
Research 6 songs for Too Cool for School Contribute to the programme countdown 1 hour Mon – Thurs8.00am – 9.00am Paddy
Contributor – Read out Community Notices Live 1 hour Mon – Thurs8.00am – 9.00am Paddy
Voice over – Record Community Notices 1 hour News Paddy
Sports TeamCollect information from all local sports clubs and prepare it for broadcast. 2 hours News Paddy
Current Affairs Contributors 3 + hours Town Talk Edel
News Journalist Research and record a 2 minute news bulletin incl sports, weather and bereavement notices. 1 hour Saturday and Sunday Danny
Roving Reporterattend an event and produce a 10 minute report 2 hours Town Talk Edel
Researcher help to book guests for the show. 2 -3 hours Town Talk Edel
Review an album 1 hour Lunch Box Padraig
Produce a ‘Guess the Year’ clip -2 songs, 2 stories, 1 movies, 1 TV series. 1 hour Lunch Box Padraig

Would you like to learn how to present on radio?

Expressing Yourself Through Media

(FETAC Level 3 Media Expression 3N0792)

169 (€50 for Students, Social Welfare and Over 65’s)

Course Description – Overview

This course aims to empower and enthuse learners to express themselves through broadcast media, including a practical introduction to the use of radio as a medium for expression and the importance of active engagement with media.

Learners will be able to:

  • identify the various media outlets available to them and the barriers to media expression
  • understand the various techniques and production approaches that are used by the media
  • use recording and IT equipment for media expression
  • work in teams to prepare and record a short radio programme
  • explore how audiences are targeted and use media

Course Content/Specific Outcomes:

Learners will be able to :

  • Identify a limited range of programme formats and production features
  • Identify the audience segments targeted by familiar television or radio programmes to include differentiation by age and gender
  • Describe alternative production elements, to include storyboards, programme running orders, voice-overs or presentation links, for familiar television or radio programmes
  • Use a limited range of technical language appropriate to recording for radio or television production
  • Use storyboards or programme running orders to describe short sequences or programme structures
  • Prepare a short programme for radio or television, to include developing a production plan, identifying team members and roles, preparing storyboards or programme running orders and scripts.
  • Use recording equipment correctly to make a short programme.
  • Examine familiar television or radio programmes to include production methods and alternative ways of approaching their production
  • Apply appropriate health, safety and personal hygiene procedures in television or radio production.
  • Demonstrate the application of communications, team working and quality awareness in a television or radio production environment.

Duration, Time & Venue of the Course:

The course consists of 31 hours class contact time. The emphasis throughout is on practical skills for media expression, with participants producing a number of pieces that reflect their learning during class time.

Start Date: Saturday 16 May for 3 Saturdays. 9.30am – 4.00pm

Venue: Dundalk FM, Partnership Court


This course is open to anybody, no specific prior knowledge is required. It is particularly suited to community radio contributors, Transition year students, or members of community groups. It is also suited to those considering volunteering with Community Radio stations, those who wish to build their confidence in communicating, and those wishing to gain a basic understanding of how the media production process works.

How is the Course Assessed?

The course is assessed by Portfolio. This Portfolio, containing 5 pieces of work (as outlined in the assessment brief above) carried out during the course.


This course is a nationally accredited course leading to a QQI Level 3 Media Expression (Minor Award) on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Course Progression:

Following on from completion of the Level 3 in Media Expression learners may wish to complete the FETAC Level 4 in Community Radio and/or the Craol Short Course in Media Literacy.

Details of Training Provider:

The course is offered by CRAOL – The Community Radio Forum of Ireland and delivered locally by Community Radio Stations in your area.

Craol is a quality assured training provider registered with FETAC. See for details.

Contact for more details:

Alan Byrne

Dundalk FM

Partnership Court

Park Street


Co Louth

Radio Course May 2015 - Download This Episode