Are you ready for a radio adventure?

You might have heard of guerrilla film making before. That’s where a crew is given a theme for a film at short notice and given 24 hours to complete it. Well at Dundalk FM we are taking the idea onto radio and are looking for three presenters to be picked out of a hat and do a show each month. We have a prime time slot on the first Saturday of the month from 12pm  to 1pm. The three presenters will know a month in advance that they will be working together but… they won’t know the theme for the show until 24 hours before hand.

To be in a with a chance to take part in a little radio craziness email Ready Steady Go


Information for New Volunteers on March 8th at 7pm.

20180315 Coffee Evening

Come along and have a chat with our presenters.

You will find out about our 2 day Radio Course. This covers two sections:

Community Radio Theory

  1. Ethos and background of Community run and owned Radio Stations
  2. Radio programme Documentation such as Running Orders, links
  3. Programme Formats and Features
  4. Health and Safety
  5. Libel

Practical Radio Skills

  1. Setting Microphone and Playout levels
  2. Recording and Editing Show intros and links
  3. Creating a promo for a show
  4. Creating a 25 minute magazine show
  5. Listening Exercise