Dundalk FM’s Review of 2019

Review of 2019

December Newsletter

Christmas Specials

We made a special effort to record new Christmas Shows – so thank you to the following: Gussie Hearty’s Christmas Day Special, the Garda Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party, St Brigid’s School Christmas Fair, Men’s Shed Concert, Noel Sharkey’s recordings from the Blackrock and Haggardstown Senior Citizen’s Party, ‘A Winter’s Tale’ by the Clermont Chorale – recorded in St Mary’s Church, Castlebellingham, the Dundalk Baptist Church Carol Service, Aiken Barracks Town Talk Show, Primary Kids featuring Knockbridge NS with Orla Crilly. John Englishby’s Quiet Irish Music Christmas Special, We Rock Your World, Beaten Tracks and Rocksteady Rhythms Christmas Editions, the Goblin and the Gravedigger Radio Play by Patricia Reynolds, the SMART Network Louth Christmas Special recorded in the Community Offices and the Classic Sounds Christmas Day show at 12pm with Jim Ryan. Thank you everyone, it makes for the best radio at Christmas time.


Knockbridge Vintage Festival 2019

Rehab Hub Coffee Morning 11 June 2019

New Shows 2019

Mike’s Music Express Mike McMahon, 12pm on Saturdays

Saturday Night 80’s Andy McKenna, 10pm 1st Saturday

Odds & Sods John Englishby, 11pm 1st Saturday

Saturday Night David Larkin, 10pm 2nd Saturday

My Week In Tunes Danny O’Hanlon, 11pm 2ndSaturday

Roots and Boots Kerry Fearon, 10pm 3rd Saturday

Your Song Donal Carroll & Margaret Hoey, 11pm 4th Saturday

Build up with Bellew Match nights from 7pm

AlphaBeats Series 1 and 2 3pm and 4pm on Sundays


Occasional Programming

Inspire Well Being Music Show, Brendan Connolly Poetry and Music Show, Automatic Pilot – Poetry and Music show, Town Talk Miscellany, Ready Steady Go, Féile 2019 Special Tracey Hanby, A-Z of Music Philip O Brien, St Patrick’s Bank Holiday Monday programming – all Irish music shows hosted by various presenters. We Will Rock You Hallowe’en and Christmas Specials.

2019 Outside Broadcasts

Feb  Dundalk Chamber M50 Launch, Bellingham Castle.
Mar Enterprise Week, Creative Spark.

International Women’s Day, County Library.

Carlingford Vigil for Ruth Maguire, Carlingford.

Apr Age Friendly Conference, Crowne Plaza.

Fr Michael Cusack/Birches Fundraiser, St Gerard’s Hall.

May Election Coverage, Redeemer Resource Centre.

National Volunteer Week, Louth Volunteer Centre.

LMETB Open Day, Chapel Street.

Drink Tea for MND, Quay Celtic Clubrooms.

June Sunshine Choir Coffee Morning, Rehab Hub.

Vantastival, Beaulieu House.

July Drive105FM Derry v Dundalk.

Dundalk Pride, Outcomers.

Open Day in Louth County Hospital.

Sept Knockbridge Vintage Festival.

Coffee Morning, North Louth Hospice.

Louth Volunteer Centre Fair, DKIT.

Kavanagh Poetry Weekend, Inniskeen.

Oct 10 Year Licence Radiothon.

Mental Health Week, County Museum.

Coder Dojo Mór, Carroll’s Building, DKIT.

Nov Louth Craftmark Christmas Fair, Bellurgan Park.
Dec Dundalk Simon Community, Joceyln Street.

Aiken Barracks Christmas Special.

Shows: Town Talk, Mike’s Music Express, Lunch Box, Brunch, Lion’s Club at your Service, Good Morning Dundalk, Showband Street, Drive Time & 35 Soccer Commentaries.



SLF Sept 19

Bellurgan House 20191122

New Trainees who completed our 2 day courses were:

Dominik Buch, Joe McArdle, Cathal McCooey, Dan Pope, Andy McKenna, Gregor Byatt, Orla Crilly, David Larkin, Kerry Fearon, Eddie Cranney, Cynthia Manda, Mary Matthews, Eimear O’Kane and Mary Rose Muckian,

David Bellew and Ryan O’Donnell – QQI L3 Media Expression Course.

David Bellew, Billy Lyons, Sean O’Connor and Kevin McGuirk – QQI L4 Community Radio Course.

Dominik Buch and Dan Pope


Dundalk International Trainees (funded by the Department of Justice)

Here is a video clip of John from Sweden along with Carole (Scotland) and Eimear (Ireland) with their Swedish cafe role play.

Here is a clip of Narcissa (Romania) ,Filomena (Ireland) and Tara (Ireland) with their Romanian cafe role play.

We are looking for participants for 2 FREE RADIO COURSES in the New Year – Women on Air (funded by the Anne McGeeney Trust Fund) and Dundalk International. The first is aimed at immigrants and local people and the second is for migrants and refugee women. Email marissalucchesi@dundalkfm.com for more information.

Keep an eye out for Community Radio Ireland sponsored training in Continuous Professional Development for Trainers and the Craol Féile workshop in October.


Events Team – a real success and suggestions and new members are welcome!

  • The Events Team had a brilliant year starting with the 70’s Christmas Party Night 2018. The 2019 event is a sell out.
  • The €500 Shop Local Members Christmas Draw raised €1,213.00.
  • A donation of €4,235.00 was contributed to help pay for Broadcast Software and the new equipment for the studio.
  • The Flag Day in August contributed to station funds.Dundalk FM Radiothon Friday 4 October 2019 poster
  • IMG_20191004_083518 IMG_20191004_090030

Sound and Vision Documentaries that we completed.

Clan II, SS Connemara, The Romantic Landscape, Musical Chances – Music Generation Louth, St Brigid of Faughart, The Buildings Built by the British in Dundalk. If you have an idea for an application for the 2020 rounds contact victoriamcardle@dundalkfm.com.

Dundalk Democrat - Dundalk FM 10 Year Licence 20190903

New Daytime Presenters

  • John Englishby.
  • Cathal McCooey.
  • Mary Rose Muckian.



Station News

  • We signed a 10 year licence with the BAI on on 27th August.
  • Thanks to the Craol stations who sent us a congratulations audio clip.
  • Craol Achievement Awards GOLD Winners – Dundalk Lion’s At Your Service and the Oriel Park Live Team.
  • We would like to thank Aidan Noone who stepped down as producer from the Brunch. Aidan will continue to record, edit and send in interviews for broadcast.
  • Congratulations to Marian DelDuca – Volunteer of the Month Award.
  • Welcome Marissa Lucchesi – Research Staff, Billy Lyons -Weekend Duty Manager and Victoria McArdle – Projects Researcher.
  • A Most Significant Change Story featuring the Summer League Focus was included by Craol as part of a National Research project.

Argus - Dundalk FM 10 Year Contract

Members Notes

  • Annual Membership is renewed during August.
  • 50 minutes max for pre-recorded shows.
  • Save a promo of your show to the Timed Promos folder.
  • New Show Proposals – P&T Meetings – 1st Tuesday at 4.30pm.
  • Play the News/Community Notices at the top of the hour.
  • 30% Irish Music per show.


Thank You all for helping to improve our service.

  • To all the local community groups, businesses, regional and national organisations along with the arts, business and sports community.
  • To our local representatives, Community Radio Ireland, Pobal Community Services Programme, Central CE and Tús.
  • To our volunteers, guests, board of directors, sub committees and our helpful, creative and hard working staff.

    Thank You and Happy New Year 2020!

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Dundalk Lion’s At Your Service Live from the County Museum

The Dundalk Lions Club broadcast their weekly news for the visually impaired show live from the Louth County Museum on Thursday 10th October 2019.


Pictured above are David Larkin, President Dundalk Lions Club, John Hennessy, Pat Byrne and Gerry Campbell.

This is the first time that the radio show Dundalk Lions – At Your Service – has been broadcast live outside the studio by the Lions Club.


The team rotates each week and this week’s presenters were Gerry Campbell, David Larkin and John Hennessy. Pat Byrne was the Sound Desk Operator and the Sound Engineer was Alan Byrne with Padraig Quigley back in the studio.

The reason for the OB was to promote the launch of Dundalk’s Positive Mental Health Week Annual Art Exhibition and a play by Quintessence Theatre Groups entitled ‘Cracks’.

Derek Pepper, Regional Development Officer for the North East Region Shine organised the launch event and was a guest on the show.



Radiothon 4th Oct 2019 – We broadcast from 97 places in one day!!!


Radiothon 2019 poster

We are looking for 97 locations to take part in our Radiothon 2019 Challenge.

If you would like to be part please send us a message on Facebook, ring or email us.

Open to:

  • Local shops
  • Salons Restaurants
  • All businesses
  • Factories
  • Gyms
  • Community Groups
  • Schools
  • Public buildings
  • Someone’s house???

Dundalk FM Radiothon presenters will visit you for a couple of minutes and our target is to reach 97 locations in 1 day.

This will be a fun event so call us on 042 9395100 or email info@dundalkfm.com to arrange a time to call in for a dedication and to take part in a Just a Minute Quiz.

Dundalk FM Radiothon Friday 4 October 2019 poster

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Word Cloud Radiothon


September 2019 News

September 2019 News

Dundalk FM’s upcoming Outside Broadcast, Training and Information Evening Schedule.

Aug 30 Last day for Dundalk FM 2009 – 2019 Broadcast Licence
Sept 1 First day for Dundalk FM 2019 – 2029 – Irish Music per day is UP FROM 25% TO 30%
12 7.00 pm Information Evening for New Volunteers
16 7.15 pm Dundalk Media Centre CLG Annual General Meeting
25 7.00 pm Documentary Making Workshop
26 OB Town Talk Louth Volunteer Centre
28 OB Brunch/Kavanagh Centre, Inniskeen
30 7.00 pm Sound Desk Training
Oct 5 & 12 2-day Radio Course for New Presenters. 9.30 am – 3.30 pm. Cost €95.00
23 3.00 pm Outside Broadcast Technical Training
Nov 14 7.00 pm Information Evening for New Volunteers
Dec 2 7.00 pm Sound Desk Training
20 Christmas Fundraiser, Lisdoo

Programming News

  • Our Dundalk FC match commentary team are just back from commentating on FC Riga, Qarabag and Slovan Bratislava and are looking forward to broadcasting from the Unite the Union Champions Cup, a two-legged play off (home and away) between the winners of the Northern Ireland Football League and the League of Ireland in November. Thanks to the presenters for their understanding for programmes that are cancelled due to soccer matches especially Heart of the Matter, Rock Steady Rhythms and An Alternative Ireland. Build up with Bellew is the new pre match show and thanks to Orla Crilly, Ciaran Callan and Neil McArdle (Bratislava) for sending us interviews and for speaking to us live on air. A first for Dundalk FM – we took a live feed from Derry’s Community Radio Station – Drive 105 for the Derry v Dundalk match from the Ryan McBride Brandywell Stadium on 5th July. For the FAI Cup match on August 23rd we will do the same. Many thanks to Kevin Moore, Dee Curran, Colin Greene and Eddie Seydak from Drive 105 for organising this for us.
  • During the summer time we had OB’s from the Quay Celtic Pitch for the Motor Neuron Disease Fundraiser, we had a wonderful music team at Vantastival and we did our annual OBs from Dundalk Pride and the Rehab Hub Coffee Morning.
  • Welcome back after the summer break to Dundalk Lions Club – at your service, Conversations with Dundalk Toastmasters and the Health and Well Being show.
  • Welcome to our new Drive Time presenters – John Englishby and Cathal McCooey.
  • Recently introduced Shows: Saturday Night 80’s (Andy McKenna), Automatic Pilot (International Poetry show with Alan Byrne), Roots and Boots (Kerry Fearon), Saturday Night (David Larkin), Ready, Steady…Go! Series II (Marissa Lucchesi) and ABC of Music with Philip O’Brien.
  • New Spotlight Shows aired were by Sandra de la Cruz (Saber), Anita Guest (One Direction) and Alan Byrne (Buddy Rich).
  • 27 members are taking part in the new Alpha Beats Series I. 1 x presenter – 1 x letter – 1 x hour. Show are on at 3pm and 4pm each Sunday. To see the schedule of presenters, listen again to shows and to check their running orders see www.dundalkfm.com/listen-again-on-dundalk-fm/. The draw for the second series will take place on Friday 25th October during Drive Time. We are looking for all new presenters for this round and then for Series III starting in February 2020 – all presenters can put their names into the hat!
  • Programme and Technical Meetings are on the first Tuesday at 4.30pm and we welcome new programme proposals which are accompanied by a 5 minute demo.

Volunteer Involvement and Training

  • The next Information Evening will be on Thursday 12th September at 7pm. Please pass on this invite to anyone who would like find out how to join us.
  • The closing date for the next round of Sound and Vision is November 8th. There will be a Radio Documentary Workshop on Wednesday 25th September 2019 at 7.15 pm.
  • If you want to brush up on your Sound Desk and Audio Editing Skills then we have training on Monday 30th September and Monday 2nd December at 7pm.
  • There were 5 people at the OB Training on Wednesday 19th June, so we will run another workshop on Wednesday 23rd October at 3.00 pm.
  • This year the Craol Training Féile will take place on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip. I will send out a text closer to the time about attendance at the event.
  • Pat Hamilton and Pat Byrne attended a CRAOL QQI CPD Training event in August.
  • Craol are collecting stories that best illustrate the social benefit that community radio stations generate. At Dundalk FM, we have great stories to tell and if you would like to share your story with other Craol stations, please let me know so we can document and record this important piece of modern CR History.
  • We will shortly be rolling out a Department of Justice funded Training Project with the aim of promoting diversity on air and off air.

Station News

  • VACANCY – we will be sending out notice for a full time position with the station during the next week.
  • Our Flag Day on August 8th raised €204.00 Thank you to the members who gave their time to collect donations on the streets.
  • Equipment – Louth County Council have awarded the station €1,695 as part of the Community Enhancement Programme. This will go towards IT and Studio Equipment. We are finalising the purchase of new digital broadcast equipment and installation will take place in September/October.
  • June, July and August photo additions to the History of Community Radio webpage can be found here https://www.dundalkfm.com/about-us/dundalks-community-radio-history-book/
  • Don’t forget about our Suggestion Box and Volunteer of the Month Nomination Forms.
  • News is played on the hour during the week. Community Notices are played on the hour at the weekend. After 6pm the news is 2 minutes in duration.
  • If a song finishes before the news then you can play out a range of show promos. They are in the Timed Promos in Today’s Ad’s Folder.

If you have suggestions for station or would like to get more involved in OB’s, training or fundraising please let me know. The next update will be circulated in December 2019.

Finally, we are collecting Membership for 2019/2020 at present. The fee is €30 and members who pay on or before September 1st are entitled to vote at the AGM.



2019 AGM on Monday 16th September / Annual Membership Fee is now due

Our AGM will be held in the Community Offices, Partnership Court, Park Street, Dundalk on Monday 16th September 2019 at 7.15pm. New members are welcome to attend.


Dundalk FM is a not for profit community media initiative supported by a team of volunteers of local broadcasters, local businesses and community groups.

It was set up in 2002 and broadcasts 24/7 from our studios in Partnership Court, Park Street, Dundalk.

We run an Information Evening every 2 months and new trainees complete a 2 Day Radio Course to learn technical, presentation and radio production skills.

Annual Membership is open to all Community Groups, Individuals and Statutory Organisations from the Dundalk area.


Individual €30.00

Family €40.00

Community Group €30.00

Business €30.00

What you can gain by joining Dundalk FM as a Member.

  1. Continued Professional Development Training opportunities through internal and CRAOL workshops.
  2. The right to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Eligibility to take part in sub committees and stand as a Director on the Board of Dundalk FM.
  4. Submit a programme proposal and get a broadcast slot on Dundalk FM.
  5. Join a vibrant community radio network in Dundalk.
  6. Learn how to use the sound desk, portable recorder and to edit audio recordings.
  7. Improve your speech making and presentation skills.
  8. Give something back to the community.

To renew your membership please print off and return the form below and send it in accompanied by your annual fee. Members who pay on or before 1st September 2019 are entitled to vote at the AGM. Radio trainees from last September until now receive free membership for 2019/2020.

Individual Membership Form 2020


New radio series called Alpha Beats featuring the Dundalk FM Radio Crew

Alpha Beats

Alpha Beats Draw 12th July 2019

We asked for twenty six of our community radio broadcasters at the station to put their name into the hat to do a one hour music show.

This is a show with a little difference, however, as each presenter will be given one letter of the alphabet and they will be asked to come up with 13 or 14 singers, songs or bands that begins with that letter.

1 Rule: No two songs by the same artist! & you get bonus points for Irish bands and musicians.

Letter Community Radio Broadcaster Presenter of
A KARL COLLINS Karl is Rock Steady Rhythms DJ – every Tuesday evening between 7 and 9 and repeated on Saturdays at the same time.
B PAT HAMILTON Pat was a Board Member for a number of years and is going to give us a musical education with his assigned letter.
C PHILIP O BRIEN Philip also joined us on an over 50’s course and is a contributor to the Business Brunch, hosts the Monday edition of Town Talk and fills in on the Afternoon Show form time to time.
D MONA DALY Mona joined us as part of a radio course for over 50’s a few years ago and is now a regular contributor to The Business Brunch.
E CAROLINE & EÓIN BYRNE Caroline records voice overs for ads and documentaries and will be assisted by her 16 year old son.
F JOHN ENGLISHBY John’s monthly show Odds and Sods is on the 1st Saturday at 11pm and repeated the following Monday at 8pm. He is also a sound desk op for Outside Broadcasts and soccer matches.
G MARIAN DEL DUCA Marian is our multi talented presenter of Health and Well Being Show, Dundalk Toastmasters and the Drive Time Show on Tuesdays.
H GERRY KEANE Gerry is a regular contributor to Brilliant Music and The Lunchbox.
I SEAN CALLAGHAN Long time presenter, Sean hosts The Beaten Tracks every Tuesday at 6pm and repeated on Saturday at 1pm.
J COLIN GOOSEY MCDONNELL Saturday afternoon music is provided by Goosey on the first and third Saturday from 2pm with his Brilliant Music radio show.
K DAVID LARKIN David is a member of the Dundalk Lion’s Club – At your service programme on Thursdays at 8pm (now off for a Summer break) and he is starting his own Saturday night show. It’s on the 2nd Saturday at 10pm.
L DERMOT WOODS Dermot is the presenter of In off the Post which features local GAA News, fixtures and interviews broadcast at 6pm on Thursdays.
M CIARAN CALLAN Presenter of Friday’s Drive Time, erstwhile presenter of the Live Wire….
N ANDY MCKENNA Andy is new to Dundalk FM and has started a show called Saturday Night 80’s which is on the first Saturday at 10pm.
O DONAL CARROLL & MARGARET HOEY We Rock Your World on the 3rd Saturday at 11pm and Your Song which is on the 4th Saturday at 11pm. Both shows are repeated on the following Monday at 8pm.
P BILLY LYONS Billy is our Weekend Duty Manager and we are assured that he has a very diverse taste in music.
Q DAVID BELLEW David is the Evening Duty Manager and he helps presenters with recordings and editing work and hosts the Dundalk FC Soccer show Build up with Bellew on match nights.
R KERRY FEARON Kerry completed her 2 day radio course in June and will soon begin an American Country programme called Roots and Boots.
S CAOIMHE O MALLEY Caoimhe is a regular host our weekday morning current affairs show Town Talk.
T ORLA CRILLY Orla did a Spotlight on the Sunshine Bar and you can hear her chat with players and fans before and after Dundalk FC matches on our Build up with Bellew programme.
U MIKE MCMAHON Mike’s Music Express with Mike McMahon goes out every Saturday at 12 noon.
V AOIFE MULLEN Aoife helped out with our Irish Language News Service and contributes to daytime shows.
W PAT BYRNE Town Talk presenter on Wednesday and Thursday and also contributor to the Dundalk Lions Club at your service on Thursday at 8pm.
X TRACEY HANBY Of The First Cut, 100% Irish and The Takeover show, Tracey is on the third Saturday at 2pm as part of the Brilliant Takeover team with Colin McDonnell.
Y CATHAL MCCOOEY Cathal joined us in February and is a regular presenter of Drive Time, works the sound desk for Fadó Fadó on Monday evening and a contributor to the Saturday Morning Current Affairs show – The Business Brunch.
Z DAN POPE Dan joined us in February this year and this is his first programme for the station.

And we tried to have a fair balance between male and female presenters as you can see.

The series will begin in August.

Listen out for the broadcast times and promos and wish all our presenters the very best.
