You are invited to our Information Evening on Thursday 10th January at 7pm.

20190110 Info Evening

Dundalk FM would like to invite you to come along

to our Coffee Evening

on Thursday 10th January 2019.

from 7 to 8.

The station has over 90 volunteers and provides

  • Programming that reflects the experiences of people living in Dundalk

  • Employment and training opportunities for people in the area and

  • Opportunities for small local enterprises to reach a local listenership

We have ongoing vacancies for

  • Programme presenters

  • Sound desk operators and

  • News and Sports Journalists

We are a Social Inclusion and Community Development Radio Station that is run by community group representatives and individuals, like yourself, on a not for profit basis.

So for information about your next step in community radio

and to find out about our next 2 day Learn about Radio course

call us in Thursday the 10th January

from 7 at Dundalk FM Studios,

Partnership Court,

Park Street,


Looking forward to seeing you then.
