New Radio Presenter Information Session – 7.00 pm Monday 20th January 2025

Dundalk FM has over 90 volunteers and provides

  • programming that reflects the experiences of people living in Dundalk and surrounding area.

  • training opportunities for people in the area.

  • access to the local airwaves so that Community Groups can promote their services through Community Notices, Interviews, broadcasting from local events and their own self produced radio programmes.

We have ongoing vacancies for new volunteers who wish to learn how to become a community radio presenter.

We would like to invite you to our next Information Session. This will take place in the Community Office next door to the station on

Monday 20th January 2025 from 7.00 p.m. until 8.30 p.m.

The Community Office is based in Partnership Court and is accessible via the car park, close to the entrance on the Ramparts.

We also have a slide show on our website which you can access here Information Session.

If you would like to find out more about the station and how you can join our team of community radio broadcasters – we would be delighted to meet you this coming Monday the January 20th at 7..

We are now taking bookings for our next Radio Training Courses which will run from 7pm to 9pm on three Monday evenings – 10th, 17th and 24th February. The fee is €95.00

If you would have questions about joining our team of community radio broadcasters or would to register for the training course, please email us


Vacancy – Evening Duty Manager

Dundalk FM has a Vacancy for part-time staff. The role is Evening Duty Manager is for 19 and a half hours per week.

This is a Community Employment Scheme position so applicants should ensure their eligibility by calling Central CE on 042 932 8316.

The position will commence in Mid-March.

Main duties include:

  • to edit shows and create playlists

  • to operate the sound desk

  • to train new volunteers and community group representatives in the production of radio shows

  • to record and edit programmes for community groups and volunteer presenters

Full training will be provided.

To apply log on to Dundalk FM Evening Duty Manager.

The closing date for applications is 18 February 2025.

Dundalk FM is a Social Enterprise which facilitates community radio and media projects for Voluntary, Educational, Sports, Arts and Public Services in Dundalk and the surrounding area.

Job Description

Post Title: Evening Duty Manager

Reporting to: Manager

Location: Dundalk Media Centre

Responsible for: Facilitation of volunteers and production duties

Salary: CE Central

Hours: 19½ hours per week (evenings).

To edit programming for repeat, organise the overnight schedule, facilitate presenters who pre-record shows, work the sound desk where required and train new volunteers in sound desk operation and audio editing. Also responsible for monitoring on air activity and front office and studio operations.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assist and support volunteers with editing and production.

  • Audio Editing and archiving programmes.

  • Recording programmes, promos and ads.

  • Operating the Sound Desk.

  • Interviewing and recording public events.

  • Training Presenters and community groups.

  • Assist with outside broadcasting.

  • Keeping the studios, restrooms, reception area clean and tidy (vacuum, empty bins, ensure toilets are clean and presentable).

  • Answering the phones/emails/looking after guests.
