Dundalk Media Centre CLG Board of Directors 2024/2025
Community Group Appointed Representatives (max 6)
1. Pat Hamilton (Dundalk Young Irelands GFC) Vice Chairperson
2.Pat Byrne (Dundalk Lions Club) Board Secretary
3. Madeline Carroll (Friends In Need)
4. Garrett Weldon (Cox’s Demesne Youth and Community Project)
5. David Larkin (disAbility Louth)
6. Gussie Hearty (Dundalk and District Junior League)
Individual Category (max 6)
1. Joe Duffy Chairperson
2. Marie Hamilton Treasurer
3. Patrick McEneaney
4. Sean Callaghan
5. Fergal McGeough Company Secretary
6. Seun Grace Atiroko
Statutory (max 2)
1. RoseMary Farrell (National Concert Hall)
2. tbc
Dundalk FM Staff
Alan Byrne, Manager alanbyrne@dundalkfm.com
Padraig Quigley, Assistant Manager, Programming, OB’s padraigquigley@dundalkfm.com
Marissa Lucchesi, Training, Community Development, Current Affairs talk@dundalkfm.com
Kieran McAuliffe Community Radio Producer, kieranmcaukliffe@dundalkfm.com
Kathleen Marmion, Reception, Requests, Accounts and Administration info@dundalkfm.com
Cathrena Holywood, Reception, Requests, Accounts and Administration info@dundalkfm.com
Tony Duffy, Evening Duty Manager, Training, Programme Production, Sound Desk Operation, Spotlight Shows anthonyduffy@dundalkfm.com
Darren Hoey, Weekend Duty Manager, Training, Programme Production, Sound Desk Operation, Spotlight Shows darrenhoey@dundalkfm.com
Andrew Nulty andrewnulty@dundalkfm.com
Joe Duffy joeduffy@dundalkfm.com
Programme and Technical Committee Members: Paddy McEneaney, Seun Grace Atiroko, Jason Kelly, Alan Byrne, Padraig Quigley, Marissa Lucchesi. Terms of Reference
Programme and Technical Meetings are at 10.15am on the first Tuesday at the Dundalk FM Offices and are open to all members and people with new programme ideas. |
Management and Operations Committee (Office Holders) Terms of Reference
Funding and Finance Committee Members: Marie Hamilton (Treasurer), Joe Duffy, Pat Hamilton, RoseMary Farrell, Fergal McGeough, Pat Byrne. Terms of Reference
Human Resources Committee Members: David Larkin, Paddy McEneaney, Garrett Weldon, Fergal McGeough. Terms of Reference
Sound and Vision Committee
Members: Madeline Morgan, Pat Byrne, Alan Byrne, Marissa Lucchesi.