Dundalk FM offers value for money advertising.
8,000 local people listen to Dundalk FM every day. We have over 7,000 Facebook likes and 3,900 followers on the online radio network Tune In app
Dundalk FM on the Tune In App.
Tips for your Dundalk FM Radio Advertising Campaign
Do I need to give my phone number? Only if you are taking bookings over the phone.
How many words can I put in an ad? It averages at two words per second.
Music and Sound Effects
We will add in background sound music and effects to bring your ad to life.
Your ad will be scripted, cut and sent to you as an mp3 file for confirmation.
The ad campaign dates will be emailed to you and your ad is put in rotation to be broadcast six times between 8am and 8pm.
We can quote you a price for your own musical jingles.
Contact our Sales Representatives.
Andrew Nulty andrewnulty@dundalkfm.com 089 242 9329
Joe Duffy joeduffy@dundalkfm.com 087 911 9825