Town Talk

Christy McGeeTown Talk is our flagship daily current affairs show with interviews, music and panel discussions featuring local community groups, musicians, politicians and business people presented by Marissa Lucchesi, David Larkin, Cathal McCooey and Pat Byrne  with occasional guest presenters. To send a community notice or a press release to the show email

Town Talk is kindly sponsored by Christy McGee Insurances Ltd.,

3 Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Tel 042 93 39337.

Town Talk 2025 1

Remembering Philip O Brien, Town Talk Presenter (RIP).

Philip O'Brien

We wish to remember and appreciate a caring and compassionate colleague who passed away on Friday 22nd March 2024, Philip O Brien.

Philip signed up for our ‘Speaking Up For A Change’ Course in October 2015 and later took on the role of Tuesday morning presenter of Town Talk. His wife, Brenda said that he enjoyed working on his script and selecting appropriate tracks early in the morning before the show. Philip’s appreciation of music shone through, and he recorded the third programme in the ‘Alphabeats’ series and chose the year 1992 in the ‘100 Years of Music’ series. If a presenter was unable to come in, Philip made himself available and often presented the Afternoon and Drive Time Shows.

When Dundalk FM hosted the CRAOL National Community Radio Day on 18th June 2021, Philip and Michael Murray interviewed presenters from Galway, Kilkenny, Dublin and Limerick.

If you didn’t know something, Philip was the go to person and if he didn’t know, he would find out. He was a great conversationalist, and a great voice to listen to. He had stories and anecdotes to accompany his impressive knowledge of local, national and international affairs which he shared on the Saturday morning Brunch programme. Philip will be affectionately remembered by Dundalk FM staff, presenters and listeners.



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Europe Day Town Talk OB

Town Talk broadcasting LIVE from the Louth County Museum to celebrate Europe Day on May 9th with guests Sywia Jakubus, Polish School, Dundalk and Ann Marron from the Netwell Centre with Marissa Lucchesi, presenter and Padraig Quigley on Outside Broadcast sound duty.

Jinx and Marissa

Jinx Lennon speaking to Marissa Lucchesi at Bellurgan House, Tipping’s Wood.

Town Talk An Táin March

Marissa Lucchesi, Helena Mullins, Frances Taylor and Caoimhe O’Malley.

Town Talk David, Edel

Sinead Roche, Dundalk Tourism Officer, Edel McMullan, producer, Marissa Lucchesi, presenter, Edel O’Mahony, Business Investment Development Scheme Manager and David ‘El Paso’ Keenan.
