Updated Dundalk FM Social Media Policy


Last updated: 11th March 2021


The Social Media Policy document provides guidance and direction to Staff, Presenters and Volunteers when utilising all types of social media.

Misuse or abuse of social and digital media can cause significant injury to third parties and can also impact negatively on the reputation of Dundalk FM. The Station is potentially vicariously liable for injury caused by misuse or abuse of social and digital media channels by anyone associated with Dundalk FM. Consequently the station takes any misuse or abuse of social and digital media very seriously.

Like all Staff/Volunteer policies, it is the responsibility of the Manager to address any issues that arise in relation to breach of these policies and regulations. There is also a significant personal responsibility placed on all Staff and Volunteers at the station.

Electronic Communications Policy

Confidential information regarding company business practices and procedures or personal information about any suppliers, advertising clients or employees must not be posted or discussed on Internet social networking websites, Internet video hosting/sharing websites, Internet discussion forums, message boards or Internet chat rooms.

The company reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate against users who breach the conditions of these policies or Data Protection regulations. Employees who breach these policies may be denied access to the Station’s information technology resources, and may be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and dismissal as provided for in the disciplinary procedure. Volunteers who breach policy may have their membership rescinded.

Code of Standards and Behavior

There is an implied term of mutual trust and confidence between employer and employee in all employment contracts. A very negative, defamatory or damaging posting or communication by an employee may entitle Dundalk Media Centre CLG T/A Dundalk FM to proceed with the Disciplinary Process, including investigation, and discipline up to dismissal if warranted. If defamatory material is posted on a social networking site, defamation claims may arise against the employee. Employees must not improperly disclose, during or following termination of employment, information gained in the course of their work.

Staff & volunteers who have access to Dundalk FM social media to post on behalf of the station are entrusted so for the purpose of enhancing the service the station provides to users. Anyone posting as Dundalk FM is asked to stop and consider how the post may impact the station.

Posts that may make any negative implications towards the station or another organisation/ persons or indeed posts reflecting personal moral/religious/political beliefs etc will be removed and the perpetrator may face disciplinary procedures.

If you choose to identify yourself as an employee of Dundalk Media Centre CLG (T/A Dundalk FM) or a Dundalk FM broadcaster on social media profiles including your own personal profiles or in your commentary on personal topics within social media sites, it is important to use common sense and be aware of the nature of your comments and their possible consequences. It is important that all our employees and volunteers are aware of the implications of engaging in forms of social media and online conversations that reference the company or your association with the Station. Privacy, Data Protection requirements, defamation law and basic duty of care all still apply in comments that are made while off-duty and online. If an employee or volunteer comments online in a personal capacity while identified as an employee or volunteer of DMC, these comments can be attributed or perceived as the official position of the company.

Volunteers & Staff – Remember, when using Personal social media:

  • Be respectful of all individuals, races, religions and cultures; how you conduct yourself in the online social media space not only reflects on you but could also reflect on Dundalk FM as you are associated with the station in the public eye.
  • Think before you post. Anything you post that is inaccurate, unfair, or breaking privacy standards will ultimately be your responsibility.
  • You may come across negative posts about Dundalk FM, but should avoid responding yourself. The post in question should be forwarded to the Station Manager who is authorised to respond (if appropriate) to comments on behalf of Dundalk FM.
  • Be conscious when mixing your radio and personal lives. Online, your personal and radio profiles are likely to intersect. The Station respects the privacy of all but you must remember that our listeners, colleagues and the wider Community may have access to the online content you post. Keep this in mind when publishing information online that can be seen by more than friends and family, and know that information originally intended just for friends and family can be forwarded on very easily.
  • Know that the Internet is permanent. Once information is published online, it is essentially part of a permanent record, even if you remove/deleteit later or attempt to make it anonymous.

Protecting Dundalk FM Staff/Volunteers from online abuse

Given the nature of and the high levels of participation in social media sites like Facebook in Ireland, Staff/Volunteers/Broadcasters may from time to time become the victim of abuse or defamation by members of the public through comments made and published on the Internet or on social networks.

Where this occurs, the Station Manager will work to support you in every way possible. Responsibility for responding to staff or volunteer concerns about and co-ordinating the response to abusive online comments rests with the Manager as is does with all Staff/Volunteer health safety and welfare issues.

Where Staff/Volunteers are notified of or are concerned about an abusive or defamatory post, profile, comment or page relating to the radio, this should be reported immediately to the Manager. The Manager should arrange for the post to be reviewed, and where possible or appropriate, the post should be reported as abuse with the relevant sites existing reporting process. A screenshot should be recorded of the comment.


Upgrade to our Outside Broadcasting Capability

9th November 2020  – Oriel Park Live with John Murphy and Gussie Hearty and a new Outside Broadcast Unit that links directly to a fader in the Main Studio.

This is the equipment that we purchased with a grant from Louth Leader and which was co-financed by the Dundalk FM Fundraising Committee.

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Community Radio Ireland Féile 13th November 2020

feile 2020 logo

The Community Radio Ireland Féile 2020 will take place online via ZOOM on Friday 13th November 2020. It will be a day for community development and radio production discussion and an exchange of ideas. As an online attendee you will meet CR activists from over 20 Community Radio Stations in Ireland. Please reply with your choice and you will receive a link to attend your chosen event.

Please register me for

  1. Open Sessions -YES / NO

  2. Workshop Number _______

  3. Achievement Awards – YES / NO

Return by email to alanbyrne@dundalkfm.com.

1. Open Sessions

You will receive a link and will be able log in to attend all of the sessions listed below during the day.

The Opening Address, Community Media Policy and Plenary Session 

12:00 midday           Welcome from CRAOL Chair Declan Gibbons
12:15-12:40              Conference Official Opening
14:20-15:20              Community Media Draft Policy Sean Ó Siochrú

15:30-17:30              Plenary Theme -The changing Face of
Community Radio – Remote but not Distant
Guest Speakers followed by Q&A from floor

2. Workshops

You will receive an email with a Zoom link to attend your chosen workshop.


4 workshops; (90 minutes each) please choose one only.

Workshop 1   Engaging your community during COVID-19

Aimed at: Outreach/Community Development Officers, Volunteer Coordinators and Programme Co-ordinators  (max 2 per station)

Workshop 2   Student Radio & young people in broadcasting (up to 4 per station)

Aimed at: Young people, students, Trainers and Volunteer/Programme Co-ordinators

Workshop 3   Broadcasting Remotely- Equipment, Software etc (up to 4 per station)

Aimed at: Technical, Production and Management 

Workshop 4   Risk Assessment for Stations  (max 2 per station)

Aimed at: Boards, Management and Administrators

3. Craol Achievement Awards

The 2020 Community Radio Achievement Awards will take place from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and up to 20 people can attend from each station. Dundalk FM have made an application for an Award in the Category Resilience and Innovation.


National Community Radio Day – 19th June 2020

This Friday, June 19th is National Community Radio Day. It’s the day when CRAOL- Community Radio Ireland – and its member stations across Ireland celebrate and recognise the work and commitment of the more than two and a half thousand people – volunteers and staff – involved in this vibrant sector of the media.

Craol BAI Community-Radio-Delivering-Social-Benefit-

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NCRD 2020 Running Order-page-001

Begun in 2015, National Community Radio Day will focus on the Social Benefit of Community Radio, with a special four hour broadcast, hosted by 92.5 Phoenix FM, the Community Radio based in Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. Dundalk FM is streaming the complete show which includes interviews with Jim Ryan and John Murphy.

NCRD Poster (1)

This sixth National Community Radio Day will see the launch of two key reports;

Assessing the Social Benefit of Community Media – A Toolkit for Community Radio


Introducing a Social Benefit Approach to Community Radio- A Compendium of Stories, an action from the Broadcasting Authority’s Community Media Action Plan

Declan Gibbons, Chair of CRAOL and Michael O’Keeffe, CEO, The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland will officially launch the reports live on air at 12midday on Friday.

The CRAOL network comprises 21 fully licensed and 10 developing Community Radio stations. Friday’s broadcast will include input from volunteers and representatives from stations across Ireland, and this special National Community Radio Day programme will be available to all Community Radio Stations to broadcast

National Community Radio Day aims to create a greater awareness among the public of the importance of radio and to urge decision makers to establish and support access to information, access to the airwaves and Community access to radio.

It is also a day to keep in mind the unique capacity of Community Radio to promote social inclusion, promote community cohesion and engagement, and to empower and support Community broadcasters nationwide to deliver a Social Benefit to their communities, through active volunteerism, shared resources, good governance, partnership and networking.

As the original public event was cancelled for health and safety reasons – due to Covid 19, this year’s National Community Radio Day (NCRD) will be a radio based event, broadcast by Community stations across the country.


Notice to all members regarding COVID-19

October 2020

Level 3 Precaution and Control Measures

We are reducing social contact at the station.

  • The Main Studio can accommodate 1 person at a time instead of 3. A second presenter could contribute from the Production Studio (Evenings & Weekends only).
  • Daytime, Evening and Weekend Self Operated Music Shows can continue as normal or a presenter can send in a pre-record/broadcast live remotely.



Protecting fellow staff and volunteers from Covid-19

March 23rd 2020

Presenters must only use a personal pop shield or bring in a pop sock to cover the mic.
There should be no more than one presenter in the studio at any time.
  1. Based on what is currently known about the virus, spread from person-to-person happens most frequently among close contacts (within about 6 feet). This type of transmission occurs via respiratory droplets.
  2. Current evidence suggests that novel coronavirus may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. Cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in community settings.
  3. Employers, employees and volunteers have duties of care – this means that they need to make sure that no harm is caused to each other or any other person by their actions or omissions.
  4. Employees and volunteers should make sure that they do not pose a threat to the health and welfare of others in their workplace. You should not come to the studio if you have, or suspect you have, a contagious illness like coronavirus.
  5. At a minimum, employees and volunteers should immediately notify the manager and your GP if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. Your GP will provide guidance on what actions need to be taken.
  • Employees MUST SIGN THE DAILY CLEANING SHEET with your initials and the time of cleaning/disinfectant.

  • Duties for the first employee when opening the offices in the morning.

  1. Put on a pair of gloves.
  2. Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
  3. Wipe down all the door handles, bathroom area, telephones, computer screens, keyboards and mice, sound equipment and studio surfaces with anti bacterial surface wipes.
  4. When you remove the gloves, dispose in the bin and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
Cleaning refers to the removal of dirt and impurities, including germs, from surfaces. Cleaning alone does not kill germs. But by removing the germs, it decreases their number and therefore any risk of spreading infection. Surfaces should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
Disinfecting works by using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs. But killing germs remaining on a surface after cleaning further reduces any risk of spreading infection.

Advice to all Members

10th March 2020

If the station is closed down we will ask presenters to send in a show if they can or else we will play edited backups and work remotely.

The safety and well-being of our members, staff and visitors is very important and we are monitoring advice provided by the Irish authorities – Department of Health, Department of Foreign Affairs and the HSE – regarding Coronavirus/COVID-19. We are adopting a policy of high-compliance and seek to adopt further measures to minimise the risks where it is appropriate to do so.

General Instructions.
In order to minimise the risk of the spread of COVID-19 at the station, at Outside Broadcast Events, meetings and training, you are asked to do the following:


If you or a member of your household is returning from any of the areas identified as high-risk by the HSE or the Department of Foreign Affairs; whether or not symptoms are evident, we request that you do not come into the station.


Please contact a member of staff immediately if you believe that a risk of transmission of the virus has arisen for any reason on Dundalk FM premises.


When at the station, events or meetings, please observe the personal hygiene recommendations.

    • Meticulous hand washing.

    • Covering coughs and sneezes in the correct manner to avoid the spread of infected water-droplets.

    • Safe disposal of used tissues and cleaning of infected surfaces.

    • Wipe the desk faders and desktops – wipes are provided in the studio.

Go to https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html for up-to-date advice, description of symptoms, etc.

COVID Advice

undalk FM may cancel live programming at short notice in order to avoid the risk of transmission of the disease. We will broadcast similar programmes where it is possible to do so.  Also, please notify us in advance of non-attendance due to COVID-19 concerns so that we can put on alternative programming.

Dundalk FM will endeavour to keep you up to date and ask you to follow public health guidelines at all times.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Alan Byrne



Dundalk FM’s Review of 2019

Review of 2019

December Newsletter

Christmas Specials

We made a special effort to record new Christmas Shows – so thank you to the following: Gussie Hearty’s Christmas Day Special, the Garda Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party, St Brigid’s School Christmas Fair, Men’s Shed Concert, Noel Sharkey’s recordings from the Blackrock and Haggardstown Senior Citizen’s Party, ‘A Winter’s Tale’ by the Clermont Chorale – recorded in St Mary’s Church, Castlebellingham, the Dundalk Baptist Church Carol Service, Aiken Barracks Town Talk Show, Primary Kids featuring Knockbridge NS with Orla Crilly. John Englishby’s Quiet Irish Music Christmas Special, We Rock Your World, Beaten Tracks and Rocksteady Rhythms Christmas Editions, the Goblin and the Gravedigger Radio Play by Patricia Reynolds, the SMART Network Louth Christmas Special recorded in the Community Offices and the Classic Sounds Christmas Day show at 12pm with Jim Ryan. Thank you everyone, it makes for the best radio at Christmas time.


Knockbridge Vintage Festival 2019

Rehab Hub Coffee Morning 11 June 2019

New Shows 2019

Mike’s Music Express Mike McMahon, 12pm on Saturdays

Saturday Night 80’s Andy McKenna, 10pm 1st Saturday

Odds & Sods John Englishby, 11pm 1st Saturday

Saturday Night David Larkin, 10pm 2nd Saturday

My Week In Tunes Danny O’Hanlon, 11pm 2ndSaturday

Roots and Boots Kerry Fearon, 10pm 3rd Saturday

Your Song Donal Carroll & Margaret Hoey, 11pm 4th Saturday

Build up with Bellew Match nights from 7pm

AlphaBeats Series 1 and 2 3pm and 4pm on Sundays


Occasional Programming

Inspire Well Being Music Show, Brendan Connolly Poetry and Music Show, Automatic Pilot – Poetry and Music show, Town Talk Miscellany, Ready Steady Go, Féile 2019 Special Tracey Hanby, A-Z of Music Philip O Brien, St Patrick’s Bank Holiday Monday programming – all Irish music shows hosted by various presenters. We Will Rock You Hallowe’en and Christmas Specials.

2019 Outside Broadcasts

Feb  Dundalk Chamber M50 Launch, Bellingham Castle.
Mar Enterprise Week, Creative Spark.

International Women’s Day, County Library.

Carlingford Vigil for Ruth Maguire, Carlingford.

Apr Age Friendly Conference, Crowne Plaza.

Fr Michael Cusack/Birches Fundraiser, St Gerard’s Hall.

May Election Coverage, Redeemer Resource Centre.

National Volunteer Week, Louth Volunteer Centre.

LMETB Open Day, Chapel Street.

Drink Tea for MND, Quay Celtic Clubrooms.

June Sunshine Choir Coffee Morning, Rehab Hub.

Vantastival, Beaulieu House.

July Drive105FM Derry v Dundalk.

Dundalk Pride, Outcomers.

Open Day in Louth County Hospital.

Sept Knockbridge Vintage Festival.

Coffee Morning, North Louth Hospice.

Louth Volunteer Centre Fair, DKIT.

Kavanagh Poetry Weekend, Inniskeen.

Oct 10 Year Licence Radiothon.

Mental Health Week, County Museum.

Coder Dojo Mór, Carroll’s Building, DKIT.

Nov Louth Craftmark Christmas Fair, Bellurgan Park.
Dec Dundalk Simon Community, Joceyln Street.

Aiken Barracks Christmas Special.

Shows: Town Talk, Mike’s Music Express, Lunch Box, Brunch, Lion’s Club at your Service, Good Morning Dundalk, Showband Street, Drive Time & 35 Soccer Commentaries.



SLF Sept 19

Bellurgan House 20191122

New Trainees who completed our 2 day courses were:

Dominik Buch, Joe McArdle, Cathal McCooey, Dan Pope, Andy McKenna, Gregor Byatt, Orla Crilly, David Larkin, Kerry Fearon, Eddie Cranney, Cynthia Manda, Mary Matthews, Eimear O’Kane and Mary Rose Muckian,

David Bellew and Ryan O’Donnell – QQI L3 Media Expression Course.

David Bellew, Billy Lyons, Sean O’Connor and Kevin McGuirk – QQI L4 Community Radio Course.

Dominik Buch and Dan Pope


Dundalk International Trainees (funded by the Department of Justice)

Here is a video clip of John from Sweden along with Carole (Scotland) and Eimear (Ireland) with their Swedish cafe role play.

Here is a clip of Narcissa (Romania) ,Filomena (Ireland) and Tara (Ireland) with their Romanian cafe role play.

We are looking for participants for 2 FREE RADIO COURSES in the New Year – Women on Air (funded by the Anne McGeeney Trust Fund) and Dundalk International. The first is aimed at immigrants and local people and the second is for migrants and refugee women. Email marissalucchesi@dundalkfm.com for more information.

Keep an eye out for Community Radio Ireland sponsored training in Continuous Professional Development for Trainers and the Craol Féile workshop in October.


Events Team – a real success and suggestions and new members are welcome!

  • The Events Team had a brilliant year starting with the 70’s Christmas Party Night 2018. The 2019 event is a sell out.
  • The €500 Shop Local Members Christmas Draw raised €1,213.00.
  • A donation of €4,235.00 was contributed to help pay for Broadcast Software and the new equipment for the studio.
  • The Flag Day in August contributed to station funds.Dundalk FM Radiothon Friday 4 October 2019 poster
  • IMG_20191004_083518 IMG_20191004_090030

Sound and Vision Documentaries that we completed.

Clan II, SS Connemara, The Romantic Landscape, Musical Chances – Music Generation Louth, St Brigid of Faughart, The Buildings Built by the British in Dundalk. If you have an idea for an application for the 2020 rounds contact victoriamcardle@dundalkfm.com.

Dundalk Democrat - Dundalk FM 10 Year Licence 20190903

New Daytime Presenters

  • John Englishby.
  • Cathal McCooey.
  • Mary Rose Muckian.



Station News

  • We signed a 10 year licence with the BAI on on 27th August.
  • Thanks to the Craol stations who sent us a congratulations audio clip.
  • Craol Achievement Awards GOLD Winners – Dundalk Lion’s At Your Service and the Oriel Park Live Team.
  • We would like to thank Aidan Noone who stepped down as producer from the Brunch. Aidan will continue to record, edit and send in interviews for broadcast.
  • Congratulations to Marian DelDuca – Volunteer of the Month Award.
  • Welcome Marissa Lucchesi – Research Staff, Billy Lyons -Weekend Duty Manager and Victoria McArdle – Projects Researcher.
  • A Most Significant Change Story featuring the Summer League Focus was included by Craol as part of a National Research project.

Argus - Dundalk FM 10 Year Contract

Members Notes

  • Annual Membership is renewed during August.
  • 50 minutes max for pre-recorded shows.
  • Save a promo of your show to the Timed Promos folder.
  • New Show Proposals – P&T Meetings – 1st Tuesday at 4.30pm.
  • Play the News/Community Notices at the top of the hour.
  • 30% Irish Music per show.


Thank You all for helping to improve our service.

  • To all the local community groups, businesses, regional and national organisations along with the arts, business and sports community.
  • To our local representatives, Community Radio Ireland, Pobal Community Services Programme, Central CE and Tús.
  • To our volunteers, guests, board of directors, sub committees and our helpful, creative and hard working staff.

    Thank You and Happy New Year 2020!

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