New Radio Presenter Information Session – 7.00 pm Monday 20th January 2025

Dundalk FM has over 90 volunteers and provides

  • programming that reflects the experiences of people living in Dundalk and surrounding area.

  • training opportunities for people in the area.

  • access to the local airwaves so that Community Groups can promote their services through Community Notices, Interviews, broadcasting from local events and their own self produced radio programmes.

We have ongoing vacancies for new volunteers who wish to learn how to become a community radio presenter.

We would like to invite you to our next Information Session. This will take place in the Community Office next door to the station on

Monday 20th January 2025 from 7.00 p.m. until 8.30 p.m.

The Community Office is based in Partnership Court and is accessible via the car park, close to the entrance on the Ramparts.

We also have a slide show on our website which you can access here Information Session.

If you would like to find out more about the station and how you can join our team of community radio broadcasters – we would be delighted to meet you this coming Monday the January 20th at 7..

We are now taking bookings for our next Radio Training Courses which will run from 7pm to 9pm on three Monday evenings – 10th, 17th and 24th February. The fee is €95.00

If you would have questions about joining our team of community radio broadcasters or would to register for the training course, please email us


Vacancy – Evening Duty Manager

Dundalk FM has a Vacancy for part-time staff. The role is Evening Duty Manager is for 19 and a half hours per week.

This is a Community Employment Scheme position so applicants should ensure their eligibility by calling Central CE on 042 932 8316.

The position will commence in Mid-March.

Main duties include:

  • to edit shows and create playlists

  • to operate the sound desk

  • to train new volunteers and community group representatives in the production of radio shows

  • to record and edit programmes for community groups and volunteer presenters

Full training will be provided.

To apply log on to Dundalk FM Evening Duty Manager.

The closing date for applications is 18 February 2025.

Dundalk FM is a Social Enterprise which facilitates community radio and media projects for Voluntary, Educational, Sports, Arts and Public Services in Dundalk and the surrounding area.

Job Description

Post Title: Evening Duty Manager

Reporting to: Manager

Location: Dundalk Media Centre

Responsible for: Facilitation of volunteers and production duties

Salary: CE Central

Hours: 19½ hours per week (evenings).

To edit programming for repeat, organise the overnight schedule, facilitate presenters who pre-record shows, work the sound desk where required and train new volunteers in sound desk operation and audio editing. Also responsible for monitoring on air activity and front office and studio operations.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assist and support volunteers with editing and production.

  • Audio Editing and archiving programmes.

  • Recording programmes, promos and ads.

  • Operating the Sound Desk.

  • Interviewing and recording public events.

  • Training Presenters and community groups.

  • Assist with outside broadcasting.

  • Keeping the studios, restrooms, reception area clean and tidy (vacuum, empty bins, ensure toilets are clean and presentable).

  • Answering the phones/emails/looking after guests.


Vacancy – Weekend Duty Manager

Dundalk FM has a Vacancy for part-time staff. The role is Weekend Duty Manager is for 19 and a half hours per week.

This is a Community Employment Scheme position so applicants should ensure their eligibility by calling Central CE on 042 932 8316.

The position will commence in September.

Main duties include:

  • to edit shows and create playlists

  • to operate the sound desk

  • to train new volunteers and community group representatives in the production of radio shows

  • to record and edit programmes for community groups and volunteer presenters

Full training will be provided.

To apply search for dundalk fm on

Dundalk FM is a Social Enterprise which facilitates community radio and media projects for Voluntary, Educational, Sports, Arts and Public Services in Dundalk and the surrounding area.

Job Description

Post Title: Weekend Duty Manager

Reporting to: Manager

Location: Dundalk Media Centre, Dundalk FM, Partnerssip Court

Responsible for: Facilitation of volunteers and production duties

Salary: CE Central

Hours: 19½ hours per week (evenings).

To edit programming for repeat, organise the overnight schedule, facilitate presenters who pre-record shows, work the sound desk where required and train new volunteers in sound desk operation and audio editing. Also responsible for monitoring on air activity and front office and studio operations.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assist and support volunteers with editing and production.

  • Audio Editing and archiving programmes.

  • Recording programmes, promos and ads.

  • Operating the Sound Desk.

  • Interviewing and recording public events.

  • Training Presenters and community groups.

  • Assist with outside broadcasting.

  • Keeping the studios, restrooms, reception area clean and tidy (vacuum, empty bins, ensure toilets are clean and presentable).

  • Answering the phones/emails/looking after guests.


Vacancy – Evening Duty Manager (CE Position)

Dundalk FM has a Vacancy for part-time staff. The role is Evening Duty Manager is for 19 and a half hours per week.

This is a Community Employment Scheme position so applicants should ensure their eligibility by calling Central CE on 042 932 8316.

The position will commence in Mid-September.

Main duties include:

  • to edit shows and create playlists

  • to operate the sound desk

  • to train new volunteers and community group representatives in the production of radio shows

  • to record and edit programmes for community groups and volunteer presenters

Full training will be provided.

To apply seach for dundalk fm on

The closing date for applications is 16 September 2024.

Dundalk FM is a Social Enterprise which facilitates community radio and media projects for Voluntary, Educational, Sports, Arts and Public Services in Dundalk and the surrounding area.

Job Description

Post Title: Evening Duty Manager

Reporting to: Manager

Location: Dundalk Media Centre

Responsible for: Facilitation of volunteers and production duties

Salary: CE Central

Hours: 19½ hours per week (evenings).

To edit programming for repeat, organise the overnight schedule, facilitate presenters who pre-record shows, work the sound desk where required and train new volunteers in sound desk operation and audio editing. Also responsible for monitoring on air activity and front office and studio operations.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assist and support volunteers with editing and production.

  • Audio Editing and archiving programmes.

  • Recording programmes, promos and ads.

  • Operating the Sound Desk.

  • Interviewing and recording public events.

  • Training Presenters and community groups.

  • Assist with outside broadcasting.

  • Keeping the studios, restrooms, reception area clean and tidy (vacuum, empty bins, ensure toilets are clean and presentable).

  • Answering the phones/emails/looking after guests.


Remembering with affection, our radio colleague Philip O’Brien.

Philip O Brien Mic 1

We wish to remember and appreciate a caring and compassionate colleague who passed away on Friday 22nd March 2024, Philip O Brien.

Philip signed up for our ‘Speaking Up For A Change’ Course in October 2015 and later took on the role of Tuesday morning presenter of Town Talk. His wife, Brenda said that he enjoyed working on his script and selecting appropriate tracks early in the morning before the show. Philip’s appreciation of music shone through, and he recorded the third programme in the ‘Alphabeats’ series and chose the year 1992 in the ‘100 Years of Music’ series. If a presenter was unable to come in, Philip made himself available and often presented the Afternoon and Drive Time Shows.

When Dundalk FM hosted the CRAOL National Community Radio Day on 18th June 2021, Philip and Michael Murray interviewed presenters from Galway, Kilkenny, Dublin and Limerick.

If you didn’t know something, Philip was the go to person and if he didn’t know, he would find out. He was a great conversationalist, and a great voice to listen to. He had stories and anecdotes to accompany his impressive knowledge of local, national and international affairs which he shared on the Saturday morning Brunch programme. Philip will be affectionately remembered by Dundalk FM staff, presenters and listeners.

Our thoughts are with his wife Brenda, son David and daughter Emma.

Alan Byrne

24 March 2024

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Holi Festival of Colours – LIVE – on Dundalk FM 19th March 2022

Kavneet Kainth1

Kavneet Kainth tells Alan Byrne about the Holi Festival of Colours. Kavneet then chats to Dr Dhilip Mahapatra founder of the Dundalk Indian Community Group ‘KASSI’, KASSI members Samil, Saachin and Richi, to Bindu Nair who was MC for the event and to guests Nikata and Jitendera. This programme is a recording from the LIVE Outside Broadcast which took place in the Geraldine’s GAA Clubrooms, Haggardstown, Dundalk on Saturday 19th March 2022.

Host: Kavneet Kainth.

Sound Engineer (on location): Alan Byrne

Studio Engineer: Chris Rahill

Photography: Michael Dowdall

Holi Festival 3 2022 Holi Festival 2 2022 Holi Festival 1 2022


Diwali 2021 Live on Dundalk FM

Diwali 3 2021 Diwali 2021 1 Diwali 2021 2

Host: Durgesh Tiwari.

Professor Dr Dilip Mahapatra, Sonal Shrivastav, Sayoni Roy, Jitendra Shrivastav, Rishi Soburn, Sachin, Jayesh Mistry, Surovit Roy, Karan, Pujan Shrivastav, Kavneet Kainth, Ravi Pandey, Sikha Pandey and Dr Pardeep Sayal

Recording and Editing: Alan Byrne

Production Assistant: Michael Dowdall

Photography: Michael Dowdall


Presenters can now send in an application for the Craol Achievement Awards 2021


 Craol Achievement Awards 2021 Explanation

Applications sought for Craol Achievement Awards 2021

This is open to all programmes broadcast in the last 12 months. Presenters wishing to submit an entry can email a completed form to The closing date is 1pm Friday 17th September 2021. You can download a copy of the form here or answer the questions in green below and email the station.

The Programme and Technical Committee will choose two entries to represent Dundalk FM at the Craol Féile and Achievement Awards which will be held in October.

Craol Achievement Awards Application Form 2021 for Dundalk FM Presenters.

Please email

  1. Show /Initiative Title

  2. Contact Name

  3. Name the individuals involved in the project/programme

  1. Category entered (choose one)

Social Benefit Talk or Music

Irish Language

Commissioned programmes

Community Volunteer Participation

Technical and Production Values

For a list of each categories description please click here.

  1. When was this programme originally broadcast?

  1. Please outline why you think your entry deserves recognition?

How do you feel your entry shows any of the following criteria;?

  • Innovation, team building, community participation, quality and community development and  awareness? 

  • Doing a programme that is not typically heard on the airwaves and one that the station or particular volunteers/staff had not attempted before, or in a way not done before

  • Getting a group of people to participate in the programme

  • What community group(s) are engaged in the making of these programmes

  • Indicating volunteer dedication, reliability, growth of competence and confidence, also, inspiration to others

  • What type of evidence of growing awareness about the relevant topic within your community can you provide – Website posts / Facebook posts / tweets / emails etc

  • Demonstrating creativity and commitment to strong production values, information on the process of producing the programme etc

  • Demonstrating innovation, creativity and value to your community especially in the last 12 months.  How your station delivered an effective service , adapted your schedule and provided social benefits to your communities.

  1. Is there any other information you would like to add about your entry?

  1. Please email a 2-7min sample of audio from your submitted programme.

  1. If your programme / initiative has been uploaded and shared via a streaming service like Soundcloud or Mixcloud, please provide a link.

Craol AA21

 2021 Achievement awards Explanatory notes on programmes to submit.

CORE AWARD CATEGORIES- (See notes on SB at end of document)

Social Benefit (Music)

Community stations are obliged under the 2009 Act to provide a social benefit to their community. This can be through a diversity of talk and discussion programmes. However, Craol recognises that much of the content of community radio consists of music programmes. We can explore how our music programmes can provide a social benefit to the community. This can be in many ways:

  1. Through the programme being produced by a team (of more than one)

  1. By a programme inviting local music enthusiasts on air to discuss the music, and

  1. Through the presenter displaying a growing media competence over many years of loyal volunteering.

Social Benefit (Talk)

Entries to this category are unrestricted about the type of programming

involved. Social Benefit acts as a rich description of our work, offering stations

wider scope in this area.

Commissioned programmes

Entries to this category must have been funded by an external body. (E.g. BAI, CFI, VEC, Simon Cumber, Government Department etc). Assessment will not just be restricted to production quality, but also of the multiplier effect, what impact had a programme on community engagement, or on volunteers within a station, or on any aspect of station activities. In short, how did this programme support the development of community broadcasting. The programme may be the primary outcome of a project, or a part of a wider process. You select a representative sample.

Irish Language Programmes

Entries to this category should demonstrate stations commitment to Irish language content. All varieties of Irish Language Programming qualify (including bi-lingual with a minimum of 50% Irish Language).


Community and volunteer participation

Entries to this category will show how community group(s) were involved in the making of these programmes, how they interacted, their commitment to programme and the development of group. Were Volunteers working with these community groups, did they mentor and support them, provide technical or production supports.

Technical production values

Entries to this category will demonstrate audio quality, techniques used, audio recording and editing, use of sound fx, broadcast- this can include station Jingles, promos, and ads.

Creativity and Effectiveness – Value to the community

Entries to this category will show how your station was creative and effective in dealing with the many challenges over the past year. How did this add value to your schedule, to your community and promote community development and cohesion?

Standout Award– This year Craol are introducing a standout award for each category. This award is based on a high-quality application, high quality audio and if the Judges deem there is an application that meets the criteria.

Definition of CR Social Benefits is: “Benefits to individuals or collective actors in the community that enhance their lives socially, culturally or economically, or in terms of development, empowerment and/or well-being, that otherwise would not have come about

Research Cooperative, Dublin.)

SB 1: Individuals, especially minorities and those marginalised, are growing in confidence and creativity and/or reinforcing a sense of belonging, directly from engaging with the Station.

SB 2: Individuals are enhancing their employment prospects, through gaining skills and confidence.

SB 3: Community members are informed and aware of what is happening around their community.

SB 4: Community members are responding more effectively to issues – local to global, because they have access to diverse viewpoints and to more and better information.

SB 5: Collective actors (CBOs, NGOs etc.) are facilitated, and reinforced in their capacity, to achieve their goals.

SB 6: The community sense of identity and cohesiveness is enhanced.

Access here, Community Radio Delivering Social Benefit – it provides a definitional framework for the concept of social benefit

Oriel Park Live – 2019 Winners

Since 2004 –

John Murphy

Ger Cunningham

Gussie Hearty

Alan Byrne

Tommy McConville (RIP)

New contributors

David Bellew

Seorise McCann

John Englishby

Ciaran Callan

Orla Crilly

Jason Kelly

Please outline why you think your entry deserves recognition

Oriel Park Live is the name of the League of Ireland match commentary provided by our team of volunteers since 2005.

The show is aimed at people who are housebound and at people from Dundalk who live abroad so that they can stay in contact with home.

A testament to the importance of the show can be heard in the Half Time Hellos. John Murphy, who turned 80 last year, reads out the list of people around the word (starting with Australia) that tune in. At the match on 23/09/19 this took over six minutes to compete.

When they are home, people often come up to John and his co presenter Gerry Cunningham in the stand to say hello and tell them where in the world they are listening to them from.

How do you feel your entry shows any of the following criteria; innovation, team building, community participation, quality and community awareness?

The Oriel Park Live Show has increased it’s team of Volunteers from four to ten.

A new pre match show started this year – Build up With Bellew – so that our new volunteers report live from the terraces and backrooms from home and away matches. A highlight was live reports from the Champions League Matches in Baku, Riga and Bratislava this year.

Other points of interest are

The post match interviews are played out in full as opposed of playing snippets.

A sports panel of senior soccer players and supporters broadcasts a Saturday afternoon show four times a year.

The show has been broadcast from Irish League venues e.g. Windsor Park (Linfield F.C.), Ballymena Showgrounds and Seaview (Crusaders F.C.).

Because of the show, the station has recorded radio documentaries from Belfast, Derry and Portadown.

Is there any other information you would like to add about your entry?

This year we teamed up with Derry’s Community Radio station – Drive 105FM – to do a dual broadcast from three matches from the Ryan McBride Brandywell Stadium. We rebroadcast the Match Night Live Drive stream and their presenter team is Dee Curran Eddie Seydek, Kevin Moore and Colin Greene. The team broadcast around thirty matches each year.

The local soccer league has also started to broadcast live matches during the week as a spin off to this programme.

Dundalk Lions 2019 WinnersVolunteers since 20024 –
Hugh McKitterick (Producer)
Shirley Clarke (RIP)
John Hennessy
Tadgh O SullivanAdditional New Volunteers from the last 5 years
Pat Byrne
David Larkin (Disability Louth and Lions President)
Tom Donaghy
Gerry Campbell
Irene Mayock
Conor KananaghThe team from Dundalk Lions Club use the local airwaves by producing and presenting their own weekly one hour show to highlight the work that they do in the area.This means that community groups benefit from additional recognition and that community representatives are interviewed on location and in the studio.The Lions show now has two teams so this shows an interest on their part to enhance the value of what they do.The show is very well produced and some of the members have been on air since the station began broadcasting in 2004.Dundalk Lions began broadcasting a complimentary radio show to accompany their Talking Newspapers Cassette Paper service for the visually impaired on Dundalk FM in 2004.The show was initially for half an hour and progressed to a one hour show for a number of reasons:
• More of the Lions have been trained to become community radio presenters.
• Some have purchased digital recorders and have been trained in audio editing techniques.
• The Lions Club run a lot of events and recordings made at these are played out during the show.
• There are two teams so that there is a regular rotation of presenters.
• The intros, promos, stings and music beds make this show one of the best sounding shows the station has.
• The show is the flagship community produced show and the team are willing to chat to any new community group who would like to do a show of their own on Dundalk FM.
• Some of the Lions have also served on Dundalk FM’s Board and Sub Committees.